Personal Training | Rebounding Class | Remote Programing

Become the CEo of your wellness

Consistency Equals Outcome

At Wellness CEO, our mission is to inspire and empower individuals to unlock their full potential through personalized and enjoyable fitness experiences.  We are committed to helping clients achieve their fitness goals, fostering a community of motivated individuals who prioritize their health and invest in themselves.

Training options

We integrate a diverse range of training modalities, including strength training, functional training, barre, pilates, and rebounder cardio, to create customized programs that cater to the unique needs and goals of each client. Our comprehensive approach ensures a well-rounded fitness experience.

  • Experience the ultimate personalized fitness journey with Wellness CEO's one-on-one personal training sessions. Meeting 2-3 times a week, Cristina will design a custom program tailored specifically to your goals and unique needs. With individualized attention and guidance, you'll be guided through your fitness journey, maximizing results and achieving optimal well-being.

  • Join our exhilarating trampoline classes at Wellness CEO for a high-energy, group workout experience. Gather a group of 2-3 friends and enjoy small group sessions that focus on cardio/endurance training. Get ready to bounce, sweat, and elevate your cardio levels in a supportive and energetic environment.

  • Programming is the the key to successful strength training & goal reaching! Meet virtually with Cristina for the initial set up consultation, then you will receive a personalized 3 month program customized to your needs. Your program will be seamlessly delivered through our programing app where you will have you programing calendar, each workout written out with sets reps, rest & place to log weights.

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